Nutrition Consult

let's book your

Call or email me to schedule your initial appointment. I work flexible hours, including weekends and evenings.

Schedule your Consult


We will determine which package below will best meet your personal needs.

Pick A Package


Contact me to book a complimentary 15 minute phone call. During this time we will discuss your health goals and determine a plan that works for you. 

Book a Complimentary Chat


The Root Nutrition start package is a great way to get started on your personalized health journey. Together we will pinpoint actionable goals and strategies to help you achieve them.

Package includes:
     - One 60 minute initial consult
     - Two 30 minute follow-up consults on a biweekly basis
     - One Personalized meal plan with recipes and tips

Starter Package



The Root Nutrition Accountability Package is great for someone that is looking for a more hands-on approach while working towards their health goals. 

Package includes : 
     - One 60 minute initial consult
     - Three 30 minute follow-up consults on a biweekly basis
     - Two Personalized meal plans with recipes and tips
     - Check-ins throughout the week to keep you on track
     - Unlimited email support

Accountability Package

Price Dependent on package details

Wanting a bit more or less? Schedule a complimentary phone call and we can determine a customized package to meet your needs. 

Custom Package

Email, or fill out the form below, to ask a question or book an appointment.



Send us a note

Thanks for getting in contact! We'll reach out shortly to see how we can help. If you don't hear from us in 5-7 business days, feel free to email directly at (sometimes things get spammy).